臺灣大學: 建築與城鄉研究所林建元教授高?婈Kao, Li-LingLi-LingKao2013-03-212018-06-292013-03-212018-06-292012http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/249310拆除窳陋廢棄建物,實施綠美化並做為暫時性或永久性的公用開放空間,乃近年來國外許多城市推動都市再生所採用的環境改善方法。以臺北市為例,受到都更條例適用對象資格的限制,隨處可見窳陋、廢棄的建築物或閒置空間,雖無古蹟價值,卻因各種理由短期內無法實施都市更新,因而閒置荒廢,嚴重影響都市景觀,甚至成為社區安全的死角。為此,臺北市政府配合2010國際花卉博覽會,以「臺北好好看」景觀改善計畫系列二的名義,鼓勵地主拆除非古蹟的窳陋廢棄建物,實施綠美化並做為暫時性的公共開放空間,用意本佳,卻引起社會正、反兩方的不同見解。對此,顯示社會急需建立一套具有客觀性、妥適的景觀改造效益評估方法,以回應此一社會議題。本研究目的即針對都市窳陋建物在更新前之拆除及綠美化,作為暫時性公用開放空間的環境改造行動,分析其公共利益內容,並以個案研究方式,估計環境改善的經濟效益。 個案研究部分以臺北市羅斯福路的四座暫時性綠地為對象。首先建構閒置空間環境改造的評估指標,運用重要-績效分析方法及願付價格等研究方法,針對短期性景觀改造行動之各項環境功能、使用者的需求及滿意程度、願付價格依使用者屬性等因子加以評估,並建構都市閒置空間環境景觀改造效益之評估模型。 問卷調查對象以附近居民及現地使用者為主,主要發現包括:(一)附近居民對政府拆除窳陋建物及綠美化行動之滿意程度以減少社會問題、提升國民生活品質及美化市容為高;路過行人則以綠化環境、提供環境教育功能及增加生態多樣性為高。(二)使用者屬性中,個人月收入及使用頻率越高者,其願付價格越高;而擁有不動產於附近地區之受訪者相較於無不動產者,其願付價格約為4-5倍。(三)若以里民戶籍人口為估計基礎,四座閒置空間環境改造基地之直接使用價值為新臺幣436,716,702元,間接使用價值為新臺幣16,643,872元,合計453,360,575元,平均每人願付價額為新臺幣3,075.80元。(四)迴歸分析顯示,受訪者是否擁有不動產、附近居住、個人收入及滿意程度為影響願付價格之主要因素。總體而言,包括在地居民及路過民眾,對於臺北市政府拆除窳陋建物提供暫時性綠地的環境改善行動,反應出高度的需求及滿意程度,甚至願意擔任志工協助暫時性綠地的環境維護,此值得未來各地方政府的參考採行。後續研究建議繼續改進環境價值估計方式,並針對不同型態暫時性的綠美化價值進一步分析。同時建議政府單位及社區改進現有暫時性綠地的志工認養制度,並評估成為永久性公園綠地的可能性,以收永久性環境改造之效果。To promote urban regeneration, recently, provision of temporary or permanent public open spaces has been adopted by many overseas cities through greening and beautification on spaces resulted from the removal of dilapidated buildings. In Taipei, due to restrictions of urban renewal regulations, dilapidated and abandoned buildings are kept to secure floor area bonus for future redevelopment. Most of them are of no value to qualify for historic heritage, they do hurt the city image and even cause society problem. To prepare for the 2010 Taipei International Flora Exposition, the Taipei City Government promoted a series of actions, the so-called “Taipei Beautiful Program”, to improve city landscape. Among various actions, serious 2 provided incentives to encourage landowners to remove dilapidated buildings and to serve as temporary open space through greening and beautification. However, the temporary open space was criticized as "fake park" of no public interest and over-offered incentive. In order to respond to the social dispute, development of an evaluation system to assess the value of landscape improvement is critically needed. Through development of theoretic evaluation system and case study, the purpose of this study is to analyze the content of public interest and to estimate the economic value for the environmental improvement program, including removal of dilapidated and abandoned buildings, implementation of greening and beautification and provision of temporary public open spaces. Four temporary grasslands located on Roosevelt Road in Taipei are included for the case study. Firstly, evaluation indicators of landscape improvement on temporary open spaces are identified. Then, research method of importance-performance analysis and willing to pay are applied to evaluate environmental functions, user demand, user satisfaction, willingness to pay against user''s characteristics for landscape improvement actions. Nearby residents and local users are targeted in this questionnaire survey. Important research findings include: (a) The nearby residents are pleased to welcome the temporary public open spaces program since it can improve public security and quality of life and amenity. However, passing pedestrians welcome the program since it enriches green environment and ecological diversity. (b) Among the user''s properties, it is found that respondents with high personal monthly income and high usage frequency are willing to pay more for the temporary environmental improvement. Also, property owners in surrounding areas are willing to pay price higher than non-estate owners for 4 to 5 times. (c) Based on the neighborhood’s evening population and the daytime passing people, the environmental value for the landscape improvement of four sites are estimated to produce direct use value for NT $ 436,716,703, indirect use value for NT $ 16,643,872, totally NT$ 453,360,575. The average amount of willingness to pay for per person is NT $ 3,076. (d) Through regression analysis, it is found that real estate owners in the surrounding areas, residents living nearby, personal monthly income, and satisfaction are the key factors significantly influence the amount of willingness to pay. In summary, it is found that Taipei City Government’s landscape improvement program, provision of temporary open space by removing the dilapidated buildings and space greening, is highly appreciated by the nearby residents and passing pedestrians. This may be a positive signal to other local governments interested in similar actions. In the future, methodological improvement for environmental value estimation and evaluation for different types of temporary landscape improvement should be further studied. In addition, community participation for the maintenance of existing temporary open space and feasibility to become permanent parks are suggested to pursue permanent environmental improvements.140 bytestext/htmlen-US私有開放空間暫時性綠地景觀改造願付價格重要-績效分析private open spacetemporary grasslandlandscape improvementwillingness to payImportance-Performance Analysis都市閒置空間景觀改造效益之評估An Evaluation of Landscape Improvement Benefits for Unoccupied Open Spacesthesishttp://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/249310/1/index.html