曾惠斌Tserng, Hui-Ping臺灣大學:土木工程學研究所詹博文Chan, Po-WenPo-WenChan2010-06-302018-07-092010-06-302018-07-092009U0001-0407200917403900http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/187835目前多維度圖形技術在土木工程領域,大多僅止於視覺方面展示,但於其他工程實務上的運用卻寥寥可數。而將其應用於專案物料採購上由於尚沒有統一且制式化的標準可供參考,缺乏系統化的概念,一般成效不彰,故思考如何適時將結合多維度圖形資料庫技術應用於物料採購,以便於採購管理並避免錯誤採購所造成之浪費,是激發本研究之動機。 本研究旨在導入精實採購的概念結合3D圖檔的特性,提供專案管理者一套採購管理的模式。本模式之架構為:(一)以Work Breakdown Structure (WBS)為基礎,發展以圖形為主之分工結構,稱為Object Block Work Breakdown Structure OBWBS(二)透過OBWBS的階層架構分解最小單位3D 圖形元件,並且附加相關材料屬性(例如:數量、型號等料單產出所需資訊)(三)依據精實採購原則,結合OBWBS之圖形關聯與WBS之工項關係,建構資料庫之基本架構與執行流程,以達到系統化採購管理之目標。 經由圖形元件與材料屬性的連結,將可迅速掌握建物的材料清單及採購資訊。期望經由不同專案資料的累積,建立可重複利用之樣版(Template),提供營造廠日後於相似建物上,能精確計算相關採購物料,將可為工程節省大量的時間、成本。Multi-dimensional graphic technology is mostly used in the visual display in the field of civil engineering currently, but applications on other projects practice are few. Because there is no standard and systematic protocol to follow, it is usually inefficient and time-consuming to apply the multi-dimensional graphic technology into the material procurement in construction projects. This research tended to apply lean procurement into the materials management and facilitate the procurement management to avoid the waste cause by inaccurate procurement. This research combined 3D images characteristics with lean procurement to create a procurement management model for project manager. The steps of building this model are: (a) Developing a graphical framework which is called Object Block Work Breakdown Structure (OBWBS) based on Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) (b) Decomposing the hierarchy structure of OBWBS to produce the smallest 3D graphical unit with relevant material properties (example: the information is needed by the bill of material, such as number and models, etc. ) (c) Constructing basic structure and implementation process of the database associate with graphic correlation of OBWBS and work relationship of WBS to achieve the goal of systematic procurement management. By applying the graphical database which consists of graphical components and material properties, project manager can easily realize the bill of material and other procurement information. Furthermore, establishing reusable template through accumulation of different projects data can provide construction companies with accurate calculation related to the procurement of materials on similar type of building, it be able to save a lot of time and cost of projects in the future.口試委員審定書 I謝 II要 IIIBSTRACT IV一章 緒論 1.1 研究動機 1.2 研究目的 2.3 研究範圍與限制 2.4 研究流程與方法 3.5 論文架構 4.6 小結 4二章 文獻回顧 6.1 精實管理 6.1.1 精實生產 6.1.2 精實思維 精實思維之源由 精實思維之五項原理 7.1.3 精實營建 營建工程相關浪費彙整 精實營建理論 10.1.4 精實採購流程 11.2 4D模型相關應用 14.2.1 4D模型 14.2.2 4D互動式資訊場 15.2.3 視覺化比較 17.2.4 圖檔資訊解析技術 以工作單元(Work Package)解析圖檔 以作業項目(Work item)解析圖檔 以工地管控解析圖檔 21.3 資料庫 22.3.1 資料庫之定義 22.3.2 資料庫主要形式 23.3.3 元件資料庫 建築元件資料庫 25.4 小結 26三章 圖形介面劃分及應用 27.1 專案分工結構圖解析 28.1.1 建築元件庫(Building component Library, BCL) 28.1.2 Work Package Model 30.2 劃分原則 31.2.1 WBS(Work Breakdown Structure) 31.2.2 OBWBS(Object Block Work Breakdown Structure) 32.2.3 RBS(Resource Breakdown Structure) 34.3 賦予圖塊資訊 35.3.1 賦予採購資訊 圖塊及材料名稱、屬性分類 36.3.2 圖塊編碼及位置 37.4 小結 37四章 圖形資料庫模組建立 38.1 資料庫建置流程 39.2 多維度圖形資料庫建置步驟 42.2.1 精實採購 42.2.2 ER-MODEL建置 45.2.3 資料庫模組整合 46.2.4 Microstation Triforma 47.2.5 Microsoft Access 49.3 圖形資料庫應用 51.3.1 情境模擬案例導入 案例介紹 3D圖檔分解 查詢介面應用 55.4 圖形資料庫問題與困難點 62.5 小結 63五章 結論與建議 64.1 結論 64.2 未來研究與建議 65考文獻 672600000 bytesapplication/pdfen-US多維度圖形WBS精實採購資料庫Multi-dimensional graphicslean procurementdatabase應用多維度圖形資料庫技術於精實採購之研究Application of multi-dimensional graphic database for lean procurementthesishttp://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/187835/1/ntu-98-R96521710-1.pdf