2018-07-012024-05-16https://scholars.lib.ntu.edu.tw/handle/123456789/669032摘要:跨國領養(收養)考量兒童最佳利益,為無法在原生家庭或國家得到妥善照顧的兒童找一個永久的家。然而,跨國領養兒童的權益和福祉在國際間常為爭議。一方面,過去研究發現,跨國領養兒童常要面對適應和文化認同上的困難;另一方面,兒童最佳利益的考量往往沒有延續到被收養至其他國家後的福祉發展。這些兒童與原生家庭的心理和文化連結成為他們一生所要處理的課題,其中亦包括與原生家庭的聯繫和重聚,但卻鮮少有研究探討這個重要的議題。本研究為一跨國合作研究計畫的延伸,旨在和台灣出養國排名第三的澳洲合作,透過國際收養相關利害關係人的角度,在台灣方面將從被領養者的原生家庭、協助領養工作的專業人員、以及一般社會大眾的觀點;而澳洲方面則將從被領養者、領養父母,以及社會大眾的角度出發,共同探討兒童時期從台灣出養至澳洲的被領養者與原生家庭連結、重聚的相關議題,以及在其成長過程中所面臨的困難或挑戰。本研究預計分二階段進行,各階段為期一年。第一階段計畫將以深度訪談和焦點團體蒐集質性資料,從台灣原生家庭和收出養專業機構/人員的角度,去探索當初出養過程的議題,以及與被領養者聯繫的意願和過程。第二階段計畫針對台灣社會大眾進行網路問卷調查,以探討一般大眾對於國內和國際收出養議題的認知和態度。此階段資料亦會與澳洲進行大眾對領養議題態度的跨國比較。<br> Abstract: Intercountry adoptions have been justified as being in the best interests of the children, when the children cannot receive suitable care in their country of origin. However, the right and well-being of these children have been concerned. Internationally adopted children are often found to experience challenges regarding attachment, adjustment, and cultural identity. The consideration of children’s best interests does not extend to their experiences in adoptive families. Additionally, physical, emotional, and cultural connections with birth/original families and countries are a lifelong journey for internationally adopted children. But, limited research is documented on this issue. Thus, this study is designed to explore issues of connection and openness in intercountry adoption. This study is part of a cross-national collaborative project with the University of Sydney, Australia, the third receiving country from Taiwan. The project involves multiple informants regarding the issue of intercountry adoption of Taiwanese-born children to Australia. Research conducted in Taiwan will obtain perspectives of original families, adoption professionals, and the general public. Research conducted in Australia will collect information from adopted persons, adoptive parents, and the general public as well. The research inquiry centers on the connection and reunion between adopted persons (who were adopted to Australia in their childhood) and their families of origin. This study involves two phases of data collection and analysis. Each phase is an independent year-long study. In the first phase, in-depth interviews and focus groups with original families and adoption professionals will be conducted to explore the processes of intercountry adoption, connection, and reunion. In the second phase, an online survey with the Taiwanese general public will be conducted to understand the public attitude and perception of open adoption and intercountry adoption. The data will also be compared with data collected in Australia to understand public perceptions of adoption in the two countries. Findings from multiple informants of this research are expected to offer implications for a more resourceful and supportive adoption system in Taiwan.國際收養原生家庭連結重聚服務兒童權益兒童最佳利益intercountry adoptionfamilies of originconnectionreunion servicechildren`s rightsbest interests of the child國際收養與兒童權益:從原生家庭、收出養機構及大眾觀點探討國際收養議題