生物資源暨農學院: 園藝暨景觀學系指導教授: 張俊彥蘇琳絢Su, Lin-HsuanLin-HsuanSu2017-03-062018-06-292017-03-062018-06-292015http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/277713過去研究已經證實自然環境有助於人們進行反思(Reflection),像是檢視生活、思考事情的優先性、確立未來的目標,這對於適應忙碌混亂的現代生活是十分重要的效益,但對於適合反思的環境與景觀仍較缺乏具體實例描述,因此有必要更深入地了解環境、景觀與反思之間的關係。本研究的研究目的為藉由電影片中人物進行反思的場景,探討本研究總共從11部電影中選取36個反思場景,使用Atlas.ti 7.0協助電影反思場景中環境與景觀的標註,並依環境自然與否、景觀屬性、影響反思的景觀特質分類,進一步分析適合反思的環境與景觀。研究結果發現,自然環境確實比都市或其他非自然環境更適合進行反思,適合反思的自然景觀包含瞬間、山岳、人文、林相、水體、草原與荒野景觀,其中約有31.25%的反思場景是存在宗教人文景觀結合自然景觀的的自然環境,除此之外,非自然環境(都市景觀)在環境壓力干擾程度較低的狀態下,同樣具有支持人們反思的能力。接著歸納不同的反思類型對應電影場景發現,寧靜的巨大水體、大面積的雪景有助於人們沈澱混亂的思緒,遠眺延伸開闊的山景、置身在森林深處,以及拜訪存在宗教人文景觀的自然環境,不僅適合沈澱思緒,還能讓人們經由回想再次檢視人生問題。本篇研究除了驗證自然環境的反思效益,還發現具有宗教意涵的環境或景觀有助於人們反思,反思類型也會因為環境與景觀不同而有所影響,其結果可以作為人們根據不同需求選擇合適的反思環境之參考建議。Many studies have shown that a natural environment offers better opportunities for reflection – that is, examining one’s life, considering the priorities and possibilities, and determining one’s future actions and goals. It is important to adjust oneself to the whirlwind of modern life. Thus, the aim of this study is to discuss the relationship between environment, landscape, and reflection through 36 scenes of reflection selected from 11 movies. Atlas.ti 7.0 was used to analysis landscape in scenes of reflection. The results show that a natural environment better supported reflection, compared to urban and other non-natural environments. Such natural environments include ephemera, mountains, cultures, forest, water, grasslands, and wild landscapes. Cultural landscapes that have religious symbolism account for almost 31.25% of these natural environments. In addition, the non-natural environments (urban landscapes) can support restorative experience if environmental stressors are minimized. Finally, in corresponding landscape scenes to different types of reflection, we noticed that large bodies of tranquil water and snow cover could help people calm down from confusion, while visiting historical building or remains could help one more easily enable recall memory and examine one’s life. Looking afar at distant mountains, dwelling in the deep forest, and visiting religious and cultural landscapes in natural environments can allow people to better collect their thoughts and to look more closely at their lives. In summery, these results suggest the most suitable environment for reflection.論文使用權限: 不同意授權注意力恢復理論恢復體驗反思自然環境景觀電影Attention Restoration Theory(ART)Restorative experienceReflectionNatural EnvironmentLandscapeMovie[SDGs]SDG15從電影場景探討景觀的反思效益Benefits of Reflection of Landscape Scene in Moviesthesis10.6342/NTU201602770