文學院: 音樂學研究所指導教授: 蔡振家吳孟庭Wu, Meng-TingMeng-TingWu2017-03-032018-05-292017-03-032018-05-292016http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/273902本研究以生理訊號測量及質性訪談來探討音樂對於老年人的情緒效應,音樂刺激材料為鄧麗君演唱的四首著名歌曲:〈但願人長久〉、〈月亮代表我的心〉、〈甜蜜蜜〉、〈我只在乎你〉,期望藉由鄧麗君的溫暖嗓音,帶給老年人正面的心理效果。結果發現,音樂對於健康老年人的血壓、指溫、高頻心跳速率變異未造成顯著影響,但聆聽音樂之後,健康老年人的心跳顯著變慢,另一方面,音樂對於失能老年人的所有生理指標皆未造成顯著影響。訪談結果發現,音樂使多數健康老年人感到愉快與放鬆,造成情緒調節的機制可能包括:人際情感連結、注意力轉移、懷舊、社會比較。本研究的發現,使人更加瞭解音樂活動對於老年人生活品質的效益。This study examined the emotional effects of music on the elderly using physiological measures and qualitative research methods. The stimuli were four famous songs The Moon Represents my Heart, Sweet Honey, May we all be Blessed with Longevity, I Only Care About You sung by Teresa Teng. We expected that Teng’s warm voice would have positive psychological effects on the elderly. The results show that music had no significant effect on the blood pressure, finger temperature, and high-frequency heart rate variability in the healthy participants. After exposure to music, however, the healthy participants’ heart rate significantly decreased. For the disabled participants, all these physiological measures were not affected by music. In-depth interviews reveal that exposure to music led to pleasant and relaxed emotions in the majority of healthy participants. The mechanisms of emotion regulation may be related to interpersonal connection, distraction, reminiscence, and social comparison. Our findings contribute to advancing knowledge about the beneficial effects of music activity on the quality of life for older adults.2181191 bytesapplication/pdf論文公開時間: 2017/8/30論文使用權限: 同意有償授權(權利金給回饋學校)老人學音樂心理學懷舊治療情緒GerontologyPsychology of musicReminiscence therapyEmotion鄧麗君歌曲對於臺灣健康老年人與失能老年人之情緒效應Emotional Effects of Teresa Teng’s Songs in Taiwanese Healthy and Disabled Older Adultsthesis10.6342/NTU201602532http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/273902/1/ntu-105-R01144012-1.pdf