指導教授:陳家聲指導教授:吳青松臺灣大學:企業管理碩士專班姚威尹Yao, WayneWayneYao2014-11-302018-06-292014-11-302018-06-292013http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/263755在今日的社會,由政府、企業、非營利機構等三個部門,共同組成了一個全面的安全網路,確保社會的公眾利益和社會福利能夠受到照護。目前台灣的福利體系已日趨完善,非營利的社會福利團體在今日的公共社會服務中發揮著重要的作用。 社福基金會的運作資源主要來自於政府補助、民間捐助、和基金孳息;然而近年來台灣受到金融危機的影響,經濟成長緩慢似乎已成常態,連帶影響到民間捐助的意願和政府補助的支出。社福團體不得不思考自創財源,以商業形式獲利並回饋至社福團體的運作資源上,因此發展社會企業已成為全球的趨勢。 然而商業形態的運作,有利潤就伴隨著風險。國外研究指出只有三分之一的社會企業是有獲利的,台灣社會企業成功獲利的比例則更低至僅有20%。因此如何增大利潤同時降低風險,就考驗著社福團體發展和經營社會企業的能力。 在國外和台灣研究社會企業的文獻雖然不少,但針對社福機構從事社會企業的文獻卻有限,而探討社福機構的社會企業如何創建商業模式,成功獲利並能永續經營的就更少。 本研究在第二章文獻探討中,從社福機構面臨的挑戰談起,而解決方案就是發展社會企業。進而探討何種社會企業和商業模式較適於社福機構,以及如何作適當的組織變革以改善組織能力和組織能耐以執行此種商業模式,並探索適當的實施步驟以確保成功,形成一個完整的策略。在第四章的個案研究則依上述理論與實際狀況作一對照,達成在第五章的結論,作為台灣社福機構發展社會企業時的決策參考。Government, private enterprises and non-profit organizations as the three sectors constitute today''s society, and form a comprehensive network to ensure the coverage of the public interest and the welfare of the community. Taiwan''s welfare system has been much improved, non-profit social welfare groups play an important role in today''s public social services. Operation of social welfare groups have primarily backed-up by Government grants and private contributions, but in recent years Taiwan under the influence of the financial crisis, slow economic growth seems to have become the norm, cutting back the private donations and Government grants. Social welfare groups have to think about creating its own financial income and social enterprises seems a reasonable choice, and therefore become a global trend. However, where is the profit, there is a risk. Studies have indicated that only one-third of social enterprises could make profit, Taiwan’s ratio is even lower to 20%. So the major task for a social welfare organizations in developing its own social enterprises, is to minimize the risk while maximize the profit. There are many study literature available on social enterprise, but limited on the literature of social welfare organization engaged in social enterprise, and even less on the literature of how the social welfare organizations could create a profitable and sustainable business model for its social enterprises. In chapter II of this study, it is discussed the financial difficulties of the social welfare organization and the social enterprises as a solution, exploring what kind of social enterprise and business models are adequate for social welfare organizations, and how to make necessary organizational change to improve its organizational capabilities competence in developing its own social enterprises, following with appropriate implementation steps to form a complete set of strategies. In the chapter four of this study, it analyzes the real case of Child Welfare League Foundation against the theory as set out above, the conclusions reached in chapter fifth could be as a good reference of decision model for Taiwan social welfare organizations in developing its own social enterprise.口試委員審定書…………………………………………ⅱ 誌謝………………………………………………………ⅲ 中文摘要…………………………………………………ⅳ 英文摘要…………………………………………………v 目 錄……………………………………………………ⅶ 圖目錄……………………………………………………ⅸ. 表目錄……………………………………………………x 第一章 緒 論…………………………………………1 第一節 研究背景………………………………………1 第二節 研究問題………………………………………2 第三節 研究目的………………………………………3 第四節 研究限制………………………………………3 第二章 文獻探討………………………………………4 第一節 社福機構………………………………………5 第二節 社會企業………………………………………10 第三節 商業模式………………………………………14 第四節 組織變革………………………………………17 第五節 社會企業實施步驟……………………………18 第三章 研究方法………………………………………21 第一節 研究途徑………………………………………21 第二節 研究方法………………………………………21 第三節 研究架構………………………………………21 第四章 個案研究………………………………………23 第一節 兒盟社福機構…………………………………24 第二節 兒盟社會企業…………………………………28 第三節 兒盟商業模式…………………………………36 第四節 兒盟組織變革…………………………………40 第五節 兒盟社會企業實施步驟………………………44 第五章 結論與建議……………………………………47 第一節 研究結論………………………………………47 第二節 研究建議………………………………………50 參考文獻…………………………………………………511606318 bytesapplication/pdf論文公開時間:2014/03/08論文使用權限:同意有償授權(權利金給回饋學校)社福機構社會企業商業模式組織變革[SDGs]SDG8社福機構之社會企業發展策略:以兒童福利聯盟文教基金會為例Social Enterprise Development for Social Welfare Foundation:Child Welfare League Foundation Case Studythesishttp://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/263755/1/ntu-102-P00746036-1.pdf