蔡詩偉Tsai, Shih-Wei臺灣大學:環境衛生研究所蕭孟宇Siao, Meng-YuMeng-YuSiao2010-05-072018-06-302010-05-072018-06-302009U0001-1408200915514400http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/181428 壬基酚(Nonylphenol; NP)過去大量使用於製造壬基苯酚聚乙氧基醇類介面活性劑,為非離子型界面活性劑當中的一類;而由於其結構類似於人類雌激素,因此進入人體內會有類動情激素之作用產生。此類產品在製程以及使用過程中皆有可能進入環境,對生態造成嚴重傷害,更可能經由各種暴露途徑影響人類健康;其中經由空氣暴露吸入人體的途徑不容忽視。因此,為了提供更方便的暴露評估工具,本研究利用固相微萃取技術(Solid-Phase Microextration, SPME),及搭配非平衡暴露系統,發展空氣中低濃度氣態壬基酚之採樣分析方法。 本研究使用固相微萃取技術,以改善過去壬基酚分析時需要長時間採樣、溶劑萃取及脫附等繁複步驟;而經選擇合適裹覆材質之SPME纖維(i.e., Polyacrylate fiber)後,將纖維暴露於固定氣體流速、及已知壬基酚空氣濃度的暴露腔中進行外推式採樣,同時評估不同暴露時間及空氣濃度對採集效果的影響。採樣完成後,則將纖維置於氣相層析儀之注射口進行熱脫附,接著以質譜儀分析樣本。 本研究發現,隨著採樣時間增加,Polyacrylate纖維上採集的質量也跟著增加、且有良好線性(y=(2.29×10-4±1.05×10-5)x-(3.66×10-3±4.36×10-3), r=0.997);而進行一系列不同的NP空氣濃度之吸附後發現,非平衡暴露系統於空氣流速大於10m/s後之採樣率趨於平穩。 研究所設計之NP採樣方式除了具有SPME技術免溶劑脫附、及分析時間短等特色之外,亦有可應用之採樣時間範圍大等優點,而未來則具有量測環境中氣相壬基酚之潛力。Nonylphenol (NP) is a degradation product of nonylphenol ethoxylates (NPE), which are widely used as the non-ionic surfactants. Exposure to NP is suspected to cause adverse effects on growth and reproductive system. Due to the possible human exposures, the estrogenic activity of NP has raised concerns. he USEPA has mentioned that NP in household cleaning products could be an important source of indoor air pollution. For the assessments of gas-phase NP exposures, sampling with PUF and XAD2 resin are mostly performed. However, solvent desorptions are commonly needed for the techniques which make the methods not very convenient. On the other hand, solid phase microextraciton (SPME) presents many advantages over conventional analytical methods by combining sampling, preconcentration, and direct transfer of the analytes into a standard gas chromatograph (GC) system. Therefore, the purpose of this research was to develop a sampling method for gaseous NP based on the technique of SPME. he validation system in this study was composed by the air generator, syringe pump, mixing chamber and exposure chamber. Known concentrations of gaseous NPs were generated by the injection of NPs solution followed by evaporation under stable air flow. Then, the SPME fiber was exposed to the well-mixed vapor in the exposure chamber, and the analysis with GC/MS was performed afterwards. Under the air velocity equal to 18.57cm/s, linear relationship was observed between the mass collected on the fiber and the exposure time (y=(2.29×10-4±1.05×10-5)x-(3.66×10-3±4.36×10-3), r= 0.997).his study demonstrated the potential of using SPME fiber for NPs determination under non-equilibrium conditions. More validations needed to be performed before further applications in the field.致謝 I文摘要 IIBSTRACT IIIABLE OF CONTENTS IVIST OF FIGURES VIIHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 1HAPTER 2 SOLID-PHASE MICROEXTRCTION, SPME 5.1 SPME TECHNIQUE 5.2 RAPID AIR SAMPLING- INTERFACE CALIBRATION THEORY 5.3 DERIVATIZATION 7HAPTER 3 RESEARCH OBJECTIVES AND STRUCTURE 9.1 RESEARCH OBJECTIVES 9.2 RESEARCH STRUCTURE 10HAPTER 4 MATERAILS AND METHODS 11.1 CHEMICALS 11.2 NON-EQUILIBRIUM EXPOSURE SYSTEM 11.2.1 SYSTEM SET UP 11.2.2 SYSTEM STABILITY TEST 12.2.3 AIR VELOCITY VERIFICATION 13.3 GAS BAG SAMPLING PREPARATION 14.4 SPME FIBER 15.5 DERIVATIZATION PROCEDURES 15.6 INSTRUMENTATION 15.7 CALIBRATION AND QUANTIFICATION 16HAPTER 5 RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS 17.1 DETERMINATION OF NONYLPHENOL 17.2 STATIC SAMPLING 17.2.1 RETRACTED FIBER SAMPLING 17.2.2 EXPOSED FIBER SAMPLING 18.2.3 EXPOSED FIBER COMBINED WITH ON FIBER DERIVATIZATION SAMPLING 19.3 SOLID SORBENT TUBE SAMPLING (XAD-7, 100 MG/50 MG) 20.3.1 DESOPTION EFFIENCY 20.3.2 SAMPLING EFFIENCY 20.4 NON-EQUILIBRIUM SYSTEM 21.4.1 SAMPLIMG RATE DETERMINATION 21.4.2 NON-EQUILIBRIUM SYSTEM MODIFICATION 22.5 DISCUSSION AND SUGGESTION 25HAPTER 6 CONCLUSIONS 27EFERENCES 28application/pdf464696 bytesapplication/pdfen-US壬基酚固相微萃取空氣採樣動態暴露系統NonylphenolSolid-Phase MicroextractionAir Sampling[SDGs]SDG11利用固相微萃取技術與動態暴露系統採集空氣中壬基酚之方法開發Analysis of Gas Phase Nonylphenol with Solid-phase Microextration under Non-equilibrium Systemthesishttp://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/181428/1/ntu-98-R96844014-1.pdf