2012-03-242024-05-13https://scholars.lib.ntu.edu.tw/handle/123456789/650020摘要:臺灣平均每年遭受3∼5個颱風侵襲,颱風豪雨所引致之淹水災害是造成每年臺灣地區人民生命財產損失主要天然災害。近年來,全球氣候變遷現象日益顯著,未來極端天氣的產生將更形頻繁,水利署為了降低颱風豪雨所引致之淹水災害,近年已完成全臺灣的淹水潛勢圖並公開民眾查詢。但製作淹水潛勢圖時,通常只選擇高程50公尺以下之區域模擬,但近年來,高地鄉鎮淹水災情之發生偶有所聞,因此,本計畫欲建立考量亞臨界流、超臨界流及穿臨界流等滿足山區地勢變化顯著之淹水水理特性的高地淹水模擬模式,並繪製高地淹水災害區域之淹水潛勢圖。而水利署同步於民國98年參酌世界先進國家相關學者專家之研究與所建議之因應作為,分別蒐集並彙整國內外因水所致之各類災害相關文件,以淹水潛勢圖為基礎,考慮人文社會、經濟活動、土地利用、淹水損失…等與國家發展及民生相關之因子,針對淹水潛勢資料進行加值分析,以強化洪災研判分析能量,發展適合應用於災害應變之淹水風險圖與脆弱度圖資,完成「脆弱度及風險地圖分析方法研究」並研擬「水災危險度、脆弱度與風險圖製作技術手冊」。本計畫依照「水災危險度、脆弱度與風險圖製作技術手冊」製作淡水河及磺溪、蘭陽溪、鳳山溪、頭前溪、中港溪、後龍溪與宜蘭縣、基隆市、台北市、新北市、桃園縣、新竹縣、新竹市、苗栗縣地區之水災危險圖、脆弱度地圖及風險地圖,以期提供更有效率、更實務的資訊,作為政府相關水利單位決策之依據。<br> Abstract: There are three to five typhoons to attack Taiwan annually. Flooding disaster induced by the torrential rain of typhoons is one of the major natural disaster in Taiwan that causes the losses of people’s life and property. Recently, climate change is becoming more significant and the extreme weather events will frequently happen in the future. In order to minimize flooding disaster, Water Resources Agency (WRA) has completed inundation potential maps of Taiwan in recent years and announced these maps for public. Recently, inundation disaster often occurred in some Highland townships where are not in the simulation area because the elevation is less than 50 m. Therefore, the project will build a Highlands inundation model that can simulate subcritical, supercritical and transcritical flows to meet the hydraulic characteristics of the mountainous terrain changes, and the inundation potential maps of Highland townships are finally produced. In 2009, WRA has reached the goal of flood risk map and vulnerability map based on advance research, flood maps and the development of our country. Based on the contribution of &quot;a study of methodology for analyzing vulnerability and risk maps&quot; and &quot;The handbook of flood vulnerability and hazard map process&quot;, this project will build the flood hazard, vulnerability and risk maps of Tamsui River, Sulfur Creek, Lanyang Creek, Fengshan Creek, Touqian Creek, Zhonggang Creek, Houlong Creek, Yilan County, Keelung City, Taipei City, New Taipei City, Taoyuan County, Hsinchu County, Hsinchu City and Miaoli County. The results of this project could give more effective and practical information to governments for making correct decisions.高地淹水模擬模式脆弱度風險highlands inundation modelvulnerabilityrisk台灣脆弱度及風險地圖製作與整合應用(1/2)