臺灣大學: 土木工程學研究所趙鍵哲陳家輝Chen, Chia-HuiChia-HuiChen2013-04-012018-07-092013-04-012018-07-092011http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/255531隧道襯砌會隨著周遭環境壓力的改變而產生變化,終至影響隧道結構之安全。因此,隧道襯砌剖面的變形量被視為是營運中隧道結構安全的一個重要指標。 攝影測量屬於非接觸性檢測技術,搭配雷射墨線提供成像清晰的隧道剖面及強固的剖面幾何約制,此影像剖面有利於行使快速及高可靠度的隧道襯砌(Tunnel Lining)剖面測繪任務。本研究基於上述作業條件,建構發揮攝影測量物像對應及平差解算用於隧道襯砌剖面檢測的方法論,並擬定施測程序及進行精度評估。經由理論及實驗顯示,在本研究工作配置下的改良式影像剖面法(Modified Profile-Image Method),就方法嚴密性、施測便利性及隧道襯砌剖面三維坐標定位品質及資訊而論,均優於現行相類似之影像剖面施測方法。Tunnel linings deform with surrounding pressure. The amount of deformation would indicate whether or not the tunnels under investigation are considered dangerous. Photogrammetry, a non-contact surveying technology, together with multi-line laser-marker provides images with clear tunnel profiles and strong geometric constraints for measuring tunnel linings in a very convenient, efficient as well as reliable way. The focus on this study is to integrate photogrammetric imaging geometry with laser profile through adjustment procedures. It is found that the modified profile-image method, as compared to pre-developed approach, field work can be less costly and mapping tunnel linings can be less time consumed while preserving the 3-D tunnel lining surveying quality. In addition, the methodology proposed allows the accuracy assessment at the plan stage taking surveying tools and scene of tunnel into consideration. The experiments show that the proposed approach is superior to its counterparts in rendering satisfactory geometric quality and providing pre-work assessment and smooth processing upon data acquisition.7214899 bytesapplication/pdfen-US隧道襯砌攝影測量雷射墨線影像剖面法Tunnel ProfilePhotogrammetryLaser-MakerProfile-Image Method改良式影像剖面法應用於隧道襯砌剖面檢測Modified Profile-Image Method for Tunnel Lining Inspectionthesishttp://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/255531/1/ntu-100-R98521115-1.pdf