外科CHEN, JIN-SHINGJIN-SHINGCHEN陳晉興2008-12-102018-07-112008-12-102018-07-111998http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/91129Primary retroperitoneal mucinous cystic tumors are extremely rare, and although their histogenesis is still uncertain, several theories have been proposed. Taditionally, trans- abdominal laparotomy and enucleation of the cyst is the treatment of choice and laparoscopic resection has not previously been reported. This paper presents the case of 48 -year-old woman in whom a primary retroperitoneal cystic mass 15 x 13 x 9 cm in size , was successfully resected through the laparoscope. Pathological examination revealed a mucinous cystadenoma with borderline maligancy. The patient has a prompt recovery and there was no evidence of recurrence at her 8-month follow-up. However, the prevention of cystic fluid spillage during laparoscopic manipulation is important, especiallywhen the pathology of the retroperitoneal cyst is unclear.en-USLaparoscopic Resection of a Primary Retroperitoneal Mucinous Cystadenoma: Report of a Case.以腹腔鏡切除後腹膜腔原發性黏液囊腫腺瘤 -- 案例報告journal article