臺灣大學: 商學研究所陳鴻基朱啟祥Jhu, Ci-SiangCi-SiangJhu2013-03-252018-06-292013-03-252018-06-292012http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/25195121世紀是網路的世紀。隨著網路的普及率越來越高,同時也帶動網路購物的興起。如何在網路購物市場勝出,一直是業界較量的重點。然而,在網路購物與實體購物有許多不同的特色。因此,有些在實體購物適用的原理,像是轉換障礙,能否在網路購物也適用?這是網路服務供應商在乎的。 本研究旨在探討再購意願的影響構面,欲探索性地建構再構意願的影響構面。推論知覺價值與轉換障礙會影響再構意願。接著,探究知覺價值的影響構面與轉換障礙的影響構面。推論內容品質、價格合理、顧客期望、知覺服務品質、替代品吸引力會影響知覺價值。以及推論知覺服務品質、替代品吸引力、轉換成本、信心利益會影響轉換障礙。 研究對象以全台灣的Lativ顧客為樣本,透過網路問卷進行施測,共計144份有效問卷。結構方程式分析結果發現,「知覺價值」對「再構意願」具顯著影響力。然而,「轉換障礙」對「再構意願」則為不顯著影響。「內容品質」、「價格合理」、「顧客期望」、「知覺服務品質」與「替代品吸引力」對「知覺價值」皆具顯著影響力。「知覺服務品質」與「轉換成本」對「轉換障礙」皆具顯著影響力。然而,「替代品吸引力」與「信心利益」對「轉換障礙」不顯著影響。管理實務上,建議網路購物供應商應往「知覺價值」這方面多加努力,可以使顧客的再構意願進一步提升。With the Internet penetration rate getting higher, online shopping has become one of the favour shopping habits for many consumers. How to win the Internet shoppers then becomes a crucial factor for brick-and-mortal store as well as pure-play internet store. Can those practices used in physical store be applied to this the online shopping market? What are the important considerations for online shopping store to attain loyal customer? This study aimed to explore the factors impacting the customer’s repurchasing intentions at online shopping store. Two important dimensions, perceived value and switching barrier, are applied for empirical model testing. In the research model, the perceived value construct consists of content quality, price fairness, customer expectation, perceived service quality, and attractiveness of alternatives while the switching barrier construct consists of perceived service quality, attractiveness of alternatives, switching costs, and confidence benefit. Online shopping store Lativ was chosen as the target store. As such, the Lativ customers in Taiwan are the subjects of this study. We collected 144 valid questionnaires via online survey. Structural equation modeling techniques were applied. The analysis results showed that “perceived value” significantly influence “repurchasing intention” while “switching barrier” does not. Among the antecedent factors on perceived value, “content quality”, “price fairness”, “customer expectations”, “perceived service quality” and “attractiveness of alternatives” have significant influence. However, only “perceived service quality” and “switching cost” impact the “switching barrier”. It is then recommended that online shopping store should deploy more efforts toward "perceived value" for better customer''s repurchasing intention.545489 bytesapplication/pdfen-US再購意願知覺價值轉換障礙網路購物repurchase intentionperceived valueswitching barrieronline shopping知覺價值與轉換障礙如何影響再購意願:以Lativ實證研究為例How Perceived Value and Switchng Barriers Affect Repurchase Intention: An Empirical Study of Lativthesishttp://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/251951/1/ntu-101-R99741056-1.pdf