社會科學院: 經濟學研究所指導教授: 謝德宗張泰魁Chang, Tai-KueiTai-KueiChang2017-03-032018-06-282017-03-032018-06-282015http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/275267第三方支付平台為解決電子交易的各項問題而興起,台灣電商業者擁有完善的網路基礎建設,但受法律嚴格限制起步緩慢。台灣第三方支付演進歷程與法規制定息息相關,近年有鬆綁對第三方支付限制的重要進展,但比較中國大陸與台灣市場規模,台灣監理仍屬嚴格。除了法規因素,民眾消費的支付方式多用信用卡付款、ATM轉帳、銀行匯款、貨到付款等方式處理金流,而較少應用第三方支付。台灣第三方支付侷限網路購物金流的處理,經營業務不夠豐富,無法深入民眾生活,民眾習慣將運用在特定領域外的一般資金處理業務交由銀行處理,是以第三方支付與銀行存在市場區隔,兩者各自有優勢且提供服務範疇也有所差異,合作關係大於競爭關係。中國大陸第三方支付創新網路金融對原有金融體系有廣泛影響,但台灣第三方支付對金融體系衝擊則不明顯。 與中國大陸第三方支付平台相比,台灣本土的第三方支付平台特色較不明顯,主要差異在於公司規模及知名度、市場規模、經營業務種類、法令限制、民眾支付習慣等。台灣業者可由幾個層面著手面對目前第三方支付市場的困境:(1)在競爭激烈的市場中以差異化經營、大數據分析挖掘新商機。(2)掌握行動裝置盛行趨勢的龐大商機,與國際信用卡組織、電信業者、金融機構、手機製造商等業者合作,發展行動支付,串接線上和線下支付。(3)與政府部門協商,爭取法令限制的鬆綁,開放經營業務種類,放寬實收資本額及儲值餘額上限等,讓第三方支付的應用場景能更多元。(4)與境外業者合作,提供跨境電子商務的金流連結。(5)異業結盟進行垂直整合,不僅提供用戶更優質服務也降低廠商生產成本。除電商業者努力,政府也應建立更完善的電子商務環境,為電子支付創造公平競爭的環境,不過分偏向某些產業。制定適合台灣第三方支付長遠發展的規範,既維持金融穩定也不嚴格限制發展。最後幫助各電子支付產業消除跨境交易的不平等管制,舉例:與中國大陸協商以消除電子商務網站屏障,並協助電子支付業者與境外業者合作推動跨境金流。Taiwan’s third-party payment platforms blossomed in order to support e-commerce. Taiwan e-commerce industry has mature IT infrastructure, but they still advance slowly because of the strict statutory regulations, which coincides with the development of e-commerce. Statutory restrictions have gone loosed in recent year. However, the restrictions in Taiwan are still more rigorous than Mainland China, a much bigger economy than Taiwan. And people are accustomed to managing payments by using other methods except for using third-party payment platforms. Third-party payment is used only for online shopping, and its varieties of service are limited. That is why it is not widespread in Taiwan. Most people manage cash flows through banks rather than third-party payment platforms. Market segmentation exists between third-party payment platforms and banks. Both have their own superiority and provide different services. Third-party payment has strict impact on financial system in Mainland China, but the situation is not so in Taiwan. Compared to the third-party payment in Mainland China, the feature in Taiwan is not distinct. There are many differences between two countries including company scale, market scope , varieties of service, regulations and consumer habits. The third-party payment platforms can cope with the obstacles from the suggestions below. At first, to establish differential operational management in competitive markets. We use big data analysis to search new commercial opportunities. Secondly, develop the mobile payment services and cooperate with other industries such as international credit card processing companies, telecommunication companies, financial institutions and mobile manufactures. Thirdly, negotiate with government and strive for less statutory regulations. It makes the varieties of service more abundant and more attractive. Fourthly, cooperate with industries in other countries and connect cross-border e-commerce. Finally, form an alliance with different industries so as to generate vertical integration. It not only helps to provide better services, but also reduces the cost of production. Besides giving suggestions for third-party payment platforms, we have some advices to the government. First of all, government must establish an active e-commerce environment, which guarantees fair competition for e-payment and does not benefit specific industries. Formulate appropriate and gradual restrictions. Do not influence financial stability and not limit the development of third-party payment in the same time. Finally, helps to negotiate with Chinese government to remove unfair e-commerce regulations.2137732 bytesapplication/pdf論文公開時間: 2020/8/11論文使用權限: 同意無償授權第三方支付Third-party pament兩岸第三方支付之比較The Comparison of Third-Party Payment between Taiwan and Mainland Chinathesishttp://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/275267/1/ntu-104-R02323031-1.pdf