2016-08-012024-05-17https://scholars.lib.ntu.edu.tw/handle/123456789/671300摘要:穀胱甘肽; (GSH) 是植物重要的氧化還原緩衝物,並且在硫醇的氧化還原信號傳遞扮演重要的角色。Glutathione reductase負責將氧化態 GSH 還原成為 GSH。我們先前的研究發現弱化水稻 Glutathione reductase 1 基因表現會嚴重抑制水稻側根之生長,而外加 Glutathione (GSH) 不僅可恢復側根之生長,也可緩解離層酸 (ABA) 對側根形成之抑制作用,顯示 GSH 的生合成與氧化還原可能參與調節水稻在正常與逆境下側根之生長。為了詳細剖析 GSH 影響水稻側根之生長、以及減低 ABA 抑制側根發育之可能機制,此計畫將探討 (1) 水稻發育過程中 GSH 對水稻側根發育以及 Auxin 分布之影響; (2)了解 GSH 可緩解 ABA 抑制側根發育之機制; (3) 在側根提高 GSH 累積以促進缺水逆境下根系之發育。預期能了解 GSH 在正常與缺水逆境下水稻側根生長之機制,研究成果將有助於應用於提高水稻逆境下根系之發育,以提高水分利用效率。<br> Abstract: The tripeptide glutathione (GSH) is regarded as a key component in thiol redox signaling and acts as a major redox buffer against reactive oxygen species. Glutathione reductase (GR) catalyzes the reduction of glutathione disulfide into reduced GSH. Our earlier studies showed the attenuated expression of rice chloroplast/mitochondria co-localized glutathione reductase 1 (OsGR1) resulted in the inhibition of lateral root (LR) formation. Exogenous application of GSH not only recovered the growth of LR, but also alleviated ABA-mediated inhibition of LR formation. Therefore, we suggested that both biosynthesis and redox regulation of GSH are important for the regulation of LR formation in rice under normal and stress conditions. We hereby propose a 3-year research plan which is composed of three tasks; 1) Investigating the effect of high- and low- GSH (GSH/GSSG) on LR formation and auxin transport. 2) Understanding the GSH-alleviated ABA inhibition of LR formation; 3) Increasing GSH levels in LR under dehydration to enhance water use efficiency of rice. The successful completion of these tasks will unravel the molecular mechanism underlying the GSH-controlled LR growth, with potential contribution to rice engineering with enhanced drought stress tolerance.穀胱甘肽穀胱甘肽還原&#37238離層酸水稻側根GlutathioneGlutathione reductaseABARiceLateral root穀胱甘肽調控水稻側根發育機制之研究