管理學院: 國際企業管理組指導教授: 陳忠仁; 陳俊忠陳政憲Chen, Cheng-HsienCheng-HsienChen2017-03-032018-06-292017-03-032018-06-292014http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/274708面板產業在2008年受全球金融海嘯影響,市場需求驟減,產能供給遠大於需求,造成面板價格一路下滑,使多數廠商面臨鉅額虧損。近年來,尤其在2013年部分面板廠已開始轉虧為盈,然而在中國廠商加入競局後,打破了過去日本、韓國及台灣三強競逐規模經濟(產能)的產業現況。 由於面板產業具有資本密集度高、技術門檻高,產品供需具有快速週期性等特性,加上退出門檻亦高,不同的產品組合以及新的應用將是有效利用不同世代產能,進入利基市場的策略。本研究採用個案分析方式,透過五力分析模型找出其成功關鍵因素,再根據個案企業之資源與能力作出比較分析,並提出競爭策略之建議。 總結本研究之結論如下: 1.面板產業呈現高度競爭情形,包含日韓等技術戰爭及中國產量的競爭,台廠須從中發掘藍海切入利基市場。 2.友達光電藉由低成本、差異化以及集中化等不同面向擬定全產品線,包括大、中小型面板之策略走向,以取得競爭優勢。 3.面板廠商可藉由提供整合性解決方案來建立其下一世代的核心能耐。The TFT-LCD industry was impacted by the financial tsunami in 2008, all panel makers have been facing great loss. In recent years, some panel makers have been turn loss into gain in 2013. However, Japan, Korea and Taiwanfirms are not pursuing economy of scale (capacity) as their priority after China breaks into the LCD industry. Owing to the industrial characteristics, including the high degree of capital-intensity, high entry barrier on technology, the rapid change of product cycles, and the high exit barrier, the strategy to pursue new product portfolios and applications could be effective way to use different generation capacities. This study employed a case study approach. The researcher surveyed related literatures and first hand and secondary practical data, then analyzed the data by five forces model. The industrial key success factors are pointed out and used to analyze AUO’s competitive advantage in terms of resources and capabilities. Then, the competitive strategies will be proposed. The results are listed as follows: 1.The intense competition in technology comes from Japanese and Korean firms, and the Chinese firms are seeking for capacity, which drives Taiwanese firms to pursue niche market strategy. 2.AUO should apply low cost, differentiation strategies to whole range of large, medium and small size panels, to pursue its competitive advantage. 3.The next generation core competence could be build up by providing total solutions. Keywords:TFT-LCD industry , AU Optronics (AUO), competitive strategy, differentiation6099886 bytesapplication/pdf論文公開時間: 2017/7/20論文使用權限: 同意有償授權(權利金給回饋學校)面板產業友達光電競爭策略差異化TFT-LCD industryAU Optronics (AUO)competitive strategydifferentiation台灣面板廠商經營策略探討-以友達光電為例The Competitive Strategy of Taiwan Flat Panel Display Industry- A Case Study of AUOthesishttp://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/274708/1/ntu-103-P01746027-1.pdf