社會科學院: 國家發展研究所指導教授: 洪鐮德賴惟恭Lai, Wei-KungWei-KungLai2017-03-032018-06-282017-03-032018-06-282016http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/274601沙烏地阿拉伯是我國在中東之最大貿易夥伴及主要原油供應國,其國土面積達225萬平方公里,為中東面積最大的國家,約為台灣的62倍大,人口3,077萬人,國內生產毛額居中東國各國之冠,國民所得超過2萬美元,係中東最大經濟體,更重要的是,其石油蘊藏量及產量均居世界前茅,是名符其實的中東大國及最大消費市場,極具拓銷潛力。由於國家財政極度仰賴油元收入,為減輕石油依賴,沙國政府多年來持續推動產業多樣化與勞力沙化政策,投入龐大財源進行國內基礎建設及社福計畫,並於全國規劃興建6個經濟城,耗資1,200億美元,提供龐大商機。尤其近來推出深受矚目的2016-2020「國家轉型計畫」( National Transformation Program)及15年期之遠程「沙烏地願景2030」(Saudi Vision 2030)國家發展計畫,擬出售國營Saudi Aramco石油公司部分股份,成立2兆美元規模之主權財富基金,幫政府開源、扶植新產業,全力發展製造、科技、觀光、採礦業等,對世界各國廠商而言,無疑頗具吸引力。 再從目前我國對外貿易現況來看,由於中國、歐美、日本等國向為我傳統主要出口市場,惟因近年全球貿易遲滯、國內產業缺乏轉型、過度依賴中國市場及紅色供應鏈競爭等因素,已造成我國自去(104)年2月至本(105)年5月外貿連續16個月衰退,是金融海嘯以來最長衰退紀錄。為尋找我產品新興出海口,避免過於依賴單一市場,政府正推動新南向政策,盼加強與東南亞與印度等國的經貿關係,以提升對外經濟的格局及多元性,雖然沙烏地阿拉伯位於中東地區,但該國刻正積極參與東南亞與東亞的經濟整合,如已以GCC名義與新加坡簽署FTA,也已加入中國大陸發啟之亞洲基礎設施投資銀行(AIIB),我國政府與台商若能藉機運用此一趨勢,不僅可以串連東南亞與中東的兩大市場,更可將沙烏地阿拉伯當作是前進歐洲、非洲與中亞之跳板。因此,為增進我國與沙國經貿關係與擴大市場占有率,為促成本研究之因緣,而如何尋找我適銷沙國產品及其拓銷策略為本研究之目的。本研究擬從蒐集我產品外銷沙烏地阿拉伯之現況、沙國進口產品來源及其進口產品結構的變化,沙國產業發展概況及我國主要出口市場與產品結構等文獻進行分析,綜合整理出我國適銷沙烏地阿拉伯市場的產品;進而從沙國經貿夥伴的市場拓銷策略、我國於全球與沙烏地阿拉伯市場的拓銷策略、實地進行對沙國政府、商工會、廠商訪談及參與研討會以及檢視沙國與主要國家簽署FTA對我出口產品之衝擊等面向分析,提出我拓銷沙國市場的策略及整體建議,期盼對國內有意前往沙國開拓市場之業者有所幫助。Saudi Arabia is Taiwan’s largest trading partner in the Middle East and primary crude oil supplier. Its sovereign territory covers 2,250 thousand square kilometers, which is the largest among the Middle Eastern countries, and is approximately 62 times larger than that of Taiwan’s. Its population is approximately 30,770 thousand, gross domestic product is ranked first among all Middle Eastern countries, and per capita income exceeds USD 20 thousand—making it the largest economy in the Middle East. More importantly, Saudi Arabia’s oil reserve and oil production are both globally ranked among the best. It is veritably the largest consumer market in the Middle East, and possesses a great deal of potential for marketing. Because Saudi Arabia’s financial budget relies heavily on oil revenues, in order to reduce its reliance on oil, Saudi Arabia’s government has continually throughout the years promoted industry diversification and labor Saudization policies, invested heavily in basic infrastructure and social benefits, and planned the establishment of 6 new economic cities throughout the nation; an investment totalling USD 120 billion, providing immense business opportunities. Chiefly, the launch of the “2016-2020 National Transformation Program” and the “Saudi Vision 2030 National Development Plan”, which have recently received much attention, plan to sell partial shares of Saudi Aramco in order to establish a sovereign wealth fund with a scale of USD 2,000 billion to support the government’s finances, facilitate emerging industries, and develop industries such as manufacturing, technology, tourism and mining. For companies around the world, the aforementioned agenda indisputably is considerably attractive. In terms of Taiwan’s current foreign trading conditions, China, Europe, North America, and Japan are traditionally Taiwan’s primary exporting markets. However, due to factors such as the recent stagnation of global trading, inadequacy of industry transformation, excessive reliance on China’s market and competition from the red supply chain, Taiwan has experienced a decline in foreign trading since the previous year for 16 consecutive months, which is the longest record of reduction since the financial crisis of 2008. In pursuance of exploring new markets for exports and avoiding over concentration in a single market, Taiwan’s government is currently promoting a new southward policy in anticipation of strengthening trading ties with South East Asia & India and improving the structure and diversity of its foreign trades. Although Saudi Arabia is located in the Middle East, the country is now actively engaging in economic integrations with South East Asia and East Asia. For example, Saudi Arabia in the name of GCC has entered into a Free Trade Agreement (FTA) with Singapore and also joined the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) launched by China. If Taiwan’s government and Taiwanese companies seize this opportunity and utilize this trend, not only may the South East Asia market and the Middle East market be integrated, but also Saudi Arabia may act as a bridge for further exploits into the European, African, and Middle Asia markets. Thus, this research was brought about in order to improve Taiwan and Saudi Arabia’s economic relationship and expand market shares, while the purpose of this research was to find suitable products for sale and applicable marketing strategies in Saudi Arabia. This research plans to investigate and analyze papers concerned with Taiwan’s current status of exports to Saudi Arabia, source and product structure variation of Saudi Arabia’s imports, overview of Saudi Arabia’s industry development, and Taiwan’s primary markets and product structure for exports, as well as to formulate and disclose suitable products for sale in Saudi Arabia’s market for Taiwan; moreover, through the aspects of analyzing market strategies of Saudi Arabia’s trading partners as well as global and Saudi Arabia marketing strategies of Taiwan, meeting and inquiring with companies in person, participating in various seminars, and examining the impact of FTAs signed by Saudi Arabia with major countries to Taiwan’s export products, this research aims to provide marketing strategies for Taiwan applicable to Saudi Arabia’s market and provide comprehensive recommendations in hope of facilitating companies in Taiwan with intentions of exploiting Saudi Arabia’s market.1527108 bytesapplication/pdf論文公開時間: 2016/8/3論文使用權限: 同意有償授權(權利金給回饋本人)台灣沙烏地阿拉伯產品拓銷市場分析拓銷市場拓銷策略拓銷模式中東市場海灣合作理事會(GCC)海灣阿拉伯國家適銷產品雙邊貿易產品競爭力TaiwanSaudi Arabiaproduct marketingmarket analysismarketingmarketing strategiesmarketing methodsMiddle East marketGulf Cooperation Council (GGC)Gulf Arabian countriesuitable products for marketingbi-lateral tradeproduct competitiveness[SDGs]SDG9台灣產品拓銷沙烏地阿拉伯市場之分析An Analysis of the Promotion of Taiwan Products in the Saudi Arabian Marketthesis10.6342/NTU201601370http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/274601/1/ntu-105-P96341008-1.pdf