Engineering Science and Ocean Engineering
Taipei City
The Department of Engineering Science and Ocean Engineering was established at 1973 (Ship Model Basin 1968, Institute of Naval Architecture 1973, Department of Naval Architecture 1976, Department of Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering 1992, Department of Engineering Science and Ocean Engineering 2002). The alumni of the department have significant contributions in the industries of ship building, Ocean engineering, Information and Opto-mechatronics and also in academic. The educational objectives of the department are to offer students training in the fundamental principles of engineering analysis and mathematical techniques and interdisciplinary training of Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering, Information and Scientific Computation, Applied Mechanics and Opto-mechatronics. On the research aspect, the research groups of the department focus in the fields of bio-photonics, intelligent wireless sensor network, smart structure, piezoelectric switching power supplies, Opto-mechatronics systems, offshore wind farm, ocean energy, underwater vehicle, shipbuilding, ocean engineering, composite material, underwater acoustics, vibration and application ultrasonic, applied acoustics, computation and simulation of health and healing, advanced fluid power control, multimedia network, bio-informatics, nano-pho-tonics and computer aided design.