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本研究透過遺傳工程的專利計量分析,分析遺傳工程技術研究的生產力與其分布狀況,並由其中辨識核心國家、機構、研究人員及主要技術;透過專利之引用專利分析,辨識對遺傳工程技術研究具有影響力的國家、機構、人員與技術;並以引用所建構的關係為基礎,了解不同研究主體之間的關連。進一步就分析的過程與結果,探討專利計量法則的運用與相關議題。 除計量分析,研究進一步檢定文獻成長分布模式、布萊德福與洛卡等計量法則,並將書目聚合分析的範圍由專利權人擴及國家與發明人,進行關連分析。為避免低估近期公告專利的影響力,研究之引用分析以參考專利為分析標的,並設計影響關係指數與影響關係指數比,顯示主要國家間、核心專利權人間以及主要發明人間的影響程度;並以影響關係指數比為基礎,建構專利引用網路。 研究結果顯示美國在遺傳工程研究的生產力與影響力方面均領先其他國家;日本、德國、英國、法國以及加拿大等國則為其他主要國家。就機構比較,加州大學、Genentech、Chiron、Cetus等專利權人在遺傳工程生產力與影響力方面維持較優的表現。生產力方面表現較佳的發明人包括Hillman、Corley、Gold、Stemmer、Rosen等,影響力方面表現較優的為Mullis、Saiki、Erlich等發明人。聚合分析的結果顯示,從發展程度來看,美國的研究自成一系;其他國家之間的聚合關係則可分析出不同集群;專利權人間的聚合關係則可依技術領域分析出7個集群。發明人間的集群關係則多以同一研究團隊成員為主,非同研究團隊的發明人間,其關連度較同研究團隊發明人之間的關連度低。從研究過程與結果分析,專利計量分析方法與分析法則的運用可促進對研究生產力、影響力及不同研究主體間之關連的了解。The aim of this study is to reveal the productivity and the distribution of genetic engineering research by taking the patent bibliometrics approach. The principal countries, assignees, inventors and techniques are identified based on the findings and the ones have significant impacts on the development of research are recognized by the citation analysis. The citation analysis focuses on the USPTO patents that were cited by the obtained patents. Besides the patent count, “Patent Coupling” is used in this study for the clustering analysis and citing relationship analysis is also conducted to establish the correlations among the entities. Two sets of indicators are designed in this study to show the correlations. Coupling Index and Coupling Strength are used for the Patent Coupling Analysis. Impact Index and Impact Index Ration are designed to show the level of influence. The findings show that United States is the priority country both in productivity of and impact on the genetic engineering research. Japan, German, Great Britain, France and Canada are other important countries. University of California, Chiron and Cetus are the core assignees in genetic engineering research. Hillman, Corley, Gold, Stemmer and Rosen demonstrated better performances in productivity and Mullis, Saiki and Erlich are the inventors who have major impacts on the genetic engineering research. For the correlation analysis, it is found that the United State is a self-obtained entity and 3 other research clusters are identified among different countries. There are 7 clusters recognized among core assignees and the clusters found among the inventors are highly influenced by the research teams. No evidence shows that there is close correlation exists among the inventors who belong to different research teams.
Genetic Engineering Research
Impact Study
Patent Bibliometrics