Action Recognition Using Convolutional Neural Network
Date Issued
Liu, Yu-Cheng
Multimedia plays an important role in human daily life. Hundreds of thousands videos are uploaded on the Internet. Some hot topic such as basketball and baseball games are with high click through rate so information retrieval techniques become important. Human action detection can be further applied to detect abnormal events and analyze activity. In this thesis, the dataset we use in experiments contains the human body action and interaction with objects like jumping, clapping, drinking. In the thesis, we first uses convolutional neural network (CNN) to train a model. Then extract the features of training and testing data from the model. After obtaining the features, we use the temporal information between features in same video clip to train a 3-layered long short term memory (LSTM) model. Finally, we choose the last layer feature vector of LSTM which contains all data characteristics of the testing video features as the determine scores. The results show that the accuracy of our structure is higher than some works proposed in recent years.
action recognition
deep learning
convolutional neural network
long short term memory
3-D convolutional kernel