Research on Learning Satisfaction of Chest X-ray Training Courses Assisted by Using Facebook Communities
Date Issued
Wu, Jiin-Torng
In recent years, community sites, especially the Facebook booming, many people have become almost indispensable part of life, and the use of trend-learning courses also assist entities in recent years teaching. Therefore, this study by the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) to verify acceptance and satisfaction of learners to assist with chest X-rays teaching for Facebook, and try to identify the key factors that affect the user community to use the site. In this study, the use of online survey has collected 138 valid samples. Relevant information with SPSS statistical software for analysis, the results show five research study architecture dimensions: ""perceived ease of use of FB website system"" will positively affect the ""usefulness of the FB website"", ""FB website system usefulness and ease of use ""will positively affect the"" FB site system satisfaction, """" FB site system satisfaction, ""will positively affect the"" FB website system intended use ""and"" FB auxiliary entity courses satisfaction "", and"" FB website system intended use ""will positively affect the"" FB auxiliary entity courses satisfaction. "" Five research dimensions are highly subject''s valuation, in particular ""FB site system ease of use"" valuation of up to 6.10, ""FB site system usefulness"" valuation 5.89 (Likert seven dipstick). The study also analyzes the different groups using FB site behavioral differences. The results showed that the more experience FB who feels that the FB system Web site is easy to use; has graduated and physicians categories than not graduated and non-physician categories even think FB site''s usefulness: FB use more time or FB site engagement by the higher, the more that the FB system is easy to use and usefulness. These use FB internal belief (including ease of use or usefulness) if significant differences, its satisfaction with FB system, the continued use of intent, or auxiliary entity courses learning satisfaction also showed a more significant difference. Conclusions: From the above results show that ""FB community website chest X-ray assisted teaching"" system website has been verified by science and technology acceptance model theory. For this site, the participants internal beliefs such as ""perceived ease of use"" and ""perceived usefulness"" very positive, indicating that the user of this site can really be accepted, and positive internal beliefs can be interpreted for users site system satisfaction, intention to continue to use, as well as auxiliary entities course satisfaction high valuation. This study has provided evidences that learners can accept the learning model of “FB community website assisted Chest X Ray teaching”, and that satisfaction rate is high, which would be of value for teachers or instructors who would like to use FB community websites as assisted instruction. We also recommend that in the future design of such auxiliary teaching community site, can enhance their teaching contents, feedback modes, or more closely integrated with the entity classes. So as to enhance website users to use FB internal beliefs, and to improve the user participation site, increasing the time learners use the site, especially for beginners FB community sites or different professional groups may considered supplemented by some customized teaching methods, should increase its intended use and user satisfaction.
community websites
technology acceptance model
medical imaging
assisted instruction
learning satisfaction
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