第 1 到 77 筆結果,共 77 筆。

12023Is it because of climate change? Social-ecological system analysis of wetland protected area in Vietnamese Mekong DeltaPhan, Loan Thi; SUE-CHING JOU ; CHYI-RONG CHIOU ; CI-JIAN YANG Wetlands Ecology and Management0
22021Understanding public intentions to pay for the conservation of urban trees using the extended theory of planned behaviorCHYI-RONG CHIOU ; Chan W.-H; Lin J.-C; Wu M.-S.Sustainability (Switzerland)
32021Valuation of forest ecosystem services in TaiwanLin J.-C; CHYI-RONG CHIOU ; Chan W.-H; Wu M.-S.Forests
42021Application of land-use inventory data and random forest models for estimating population densities in rural areas [隨機森林法及國土利用調查圖資於山村人口密度預測之應用]Lin H.-Y; Quon C; CHYI-RONG CHIOU Taiwan Journal of Forest Science
52021Security assessment of taiwan solid wood product supplyCHYI-RONG CHIOU ; Chan W.-H; Wu M.-S; Lin J.-C.Sustainability (Switzerland)
62021Public perception of forest ecosystem services in TaiwanLin J.-C; CHYI-RONG CHIOU ; Chan W.-H; Wu M.-S.Journal of Forest Research
72021Simulating the impacts of wind damage on stand structure and dynamics of plantations: A case study of long-term cryptomeria japonica experimental plots with two spacing trials [風害對人工林的林分結構與動態影響之模擬:以兩個不同栽植距離的柳杉長期試驗地為例]Cheng C.-P; CHYI-RONG CHIOU ; Chou C.-Y.Taiwan Journal of Forest Science
82020Case study on economic evaluation of gasification investment using bamboo processing residue in Zhushan area, Taiwan [竹加工剩餘資材氣化發電投資計畫之效益研究-以南投竹山地區為例]CHYI-RONG CHIOU ; Wang S.-L; Yao S.-J; Lee D.-R; Lin Y.-J.Taiwan Journal of Forest Science
92020Case study on economic evaluation of gasification investment using bamboo processing residue in Zhushan area, Taiwan | 竹加工剩餘資材氣化發電投資計畫之效益研究-以南投竹山地區為例CHYI-RONG CHIOU ; Wang, S.-L.; Yao, S.-J.; Lee, D.-R.; Lin, Y.-J.Taiwan Journal of Forest Science
102020REDD+發展現況與參與可行策略林俊成; 劉恩妤; 邱祈榮; CHYI-RONG CHIOU 林業研究專訊
112020Comparison of parametric and nonparametric methods for estimating size-density relationships in old-growth Japanese cedar (Cryptomeria japonica D. Don) plantationsCHYI-RONG CHIOU ; Cheng, C.-P.; Yang, S.-I.Forests
122020運用InVEST模擬土地利用變化對生態系服務效益之影響-以蓮華池地區為例詹為巽(Wei-Hsun Chan); 鄭可風(Ke-Feng Cheng); 林俊成(Jiunn-Cheng Lin); 邱祈榮(Chyi-Rong Chiou); CHYI-RONG CHIOU 中華林學季刊
132020Case Study on Economic Evaluation of Gasification Investment Using Bamboo Processing Residue in Zhushan Area, Taiwan邱祈榮(Chyi-Rong Chiou); 汪松齡(Song-Ling Wang); 姚聖潔(Sheng-Jie Yao); 李岱蓉(Dai-Rong Lee); 林裕仁(Yu-Jen Lin); CHYI-RONG CHIOU 臺灣林業科學
142020臺灣農業部門溫室氣體排放趨勢推估-動態可計算一般均衡模型之應用Sheng-Ming Hsu; Shitephen Wang; Duu-Hwa Lee; Hsing-Chun Lin; JUNG-JENG SU ; CHYI-RONG CHIOU ; Ching-Cheng Chang; SHIH-HSUN HSU 臺灣經濟預測與政策
152019韓國的林業海外投資與國際合作計畫潘孝隆; 邱祈榮; CHYI-RONG CHIOU 林業研究專訊
162019區塊鏈應用於林業之現況與挑戰林俊成; 邱祈榮; 詹為巽; 徐韻茹; CHYI-RONG CHIOU 林業研究專訊
172019木材合法性保證制度規劃芻議林俊成; 邱祈榮; 李俊彥; 徐韻茹; CHYI-RONG CHIOU 林業研究專訊
182019臺灣林業的升級之路-從林業永續多元輔導方案看森林經營模式運用邱祈榮; CHYI-RONG CHIOU 豐年雜誌0
1920192019年臺灣油茶產業技術移轉現況謝靜敏; 盧虎生 ; 邱祈榮 ; 柯淑惠; 徐光平林業研究專訊
202019造林抵換專案方法學研擬與未來展望林俊成; 劉恩妤; 邱祈榮; CHYI-RONG CHIOU 林業研究專訊
212019森林生態系服務效益評估工具詹為巽; 吳若穎; 林俊成; 邱祈榮; CHYI-RONG CHIOU 林業研究專訊
222019The carbon benefit of thinned wood for bioenergy in TaiwanCHYI-RONG CHIOU ; Lin J.-C.; Liu W.-Y.Forests
232019民眾對都市樹木效益與問題之認知-以臺北市居民為例詹為巽(Wei-Hsun Chan); 邱祈榮(Chyi-Rong Chiou); 鄭可風(Ke-Feng Cheng); 林俊成(Jiunn-Cheng Lin); 成瑋(Wei Cheng); CHYI-RONG CHIOU 中華林學季刊
242019從區塊鏈及物聯網技術之應用探討我國林業之未來發展許家齊; 邱祈榮; CHYI-RONG CHIOU 林業研究專訊
252019Response of Humic Acids and Soil Organic Matter to Vegetation Replacement in Subtropical High Mountain ForestsWang, H.-C.; Tian, G.; Chen, C.-P.; Chang, E.-H.; Chou, C.-Y.; CHYI-RONG CHIOU ; Chiu, C.-Y.Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences
262019Open Data Cube (ODC) in Taiwan: The Initiative and Protocol DevelopmentCheng M.-C; CHYI-RONG CHIOU ; Chen B; Liu C; Lin H.-C; Shih I.-L; Chung C.-H; Lin H.-Y; Chou C.-Y.International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS)90
272019鄉村社區產業發展變遷及觀光發展永續性之評估郭幸福(Hsing-Fu Kuo); 柳婉郁(Wan-Yu Liu); 陳秉立(Ping-Li Chen); 邱祈榮(Chyi-Rong Chiou); 林士彥(Shih-Yen Lin); CHYI-RONG CHIOU 社區永續觀光研究
282019玉山與台北地區長期氣溫趨勢分析邱祈榮(Chyi-Rong Chiou); 花瑄鴻(Hsuan-Hung Hua); CHYI-RONG CHIOU 國立臺灣大學生物資源暨農學院實驗林研究報告
292019Estimation of the Stand Carrying Capacity of Chinese Fir Plantations In Taiwan邱祈榮(Chyi-Rong Chiou); 楊勝驛(Sheng-I Yang); CHYI-RONG CHIOU 臺灣林業科學
302018臺灣非食用染料潛力植物初探陳建帆; 董景生; 邱祈榮; CHYI-RONG CHIOU 林業研究專訊
312018具食用色素潛力的臺灣原生植物董景生; 鐘詩文; 邱祈榮; CHYI-RONG CHIOU 林業研究專訊
322018世界的森林生態系服務功能評價方法詹為巽; 林俊成; 吳孟珊; 邱祈榮; CHYI-RONG CHIOU 林業研究專訊
332018千分之四倡議-健康的土壤是氣候變遷及糧食危機的救贖金鑰邱祈榮; 李俊佑; CHYI-RONG CHIOU 林業研究專訊
342018臺灣何處適合發展永續林業生產邱祈榮; 詹為巽; 林俊成; CHYI-RONG CHIOU 林業研究專訊
352018不同的物候模式應用於阿里山公路沿線地區山櫻花開花時間之預測邱祈榮(Chyi-Rong Chiou); 劉恩妤(En-U Liu); CHYI-RONG CHIOU 中華林學季刊
362018從國家自定貢獻探討各國森林在溫室氣體減量貢獻進展劉恩妤; 林俊成; 邱祈榮; CHYI-RONG CHIOU 林業研究專訊
372017重新建構臺灣木材市場產業鏈~中層疏伐技術行不行?邱祈榮; 陳財輝; 陳永修; 龔冠寧; 林文智; CHYI-RONG CHIOU 林業研究專訊
382017臺灣進口實木產品曝險程度分析林俊成; 邱祈榮; CHYI-RONG CHIOU 林業研究專訊
392017森林療癒基地的環境評估石佳蓉; 劉則言; 邱祈榮; 吳孟玲; CHYI-RONG CHIOU 林業研究專訊
402017天然植物染料的化學何振隆; 徐健國; 徐光平; 邱祈榮; CHYI-RONG CHIOU 林業研究專訊
412017租地造林新思維-蕈菇與林下經濟邱祈榮; 曹盛祥; CHYI-RONG CHIOU 林業研究專訊
422017都市生態研究的演進與展望范素瑋; 邱祈榮; CHYI-RONG CHIOU 林業研究專訊
432017連結理論、實務與都市研究的都市生態學范素瑋; 邱祈榮; CHYI-RONG CHIOU 林業研究專訊
442017FSC^(TM)森林生態系服務驗證介紹與現況邱祈榮; 陳乃維; 莊媛卉; CHYI-RONG CHIOU 林業研究專訊
452017從數字看日本的里地里山徐中芃; 王淑瑩; 邱祈榮; CHYI-RONG CHIOU 林業研究專訊
462016Humic acid composition and characteristics of soil organic matter in relation to the elevation gradient of moso bamboo plantationsWang H.-C.; Chou C.-Y.; CHYI-RONG CHIOU ; Tian G.; Chiu C.-Y.PLoS ONE
472016Assessing the recreational value of protective forests at Taitung Forest Park in TaiwanCHYI-RONG CHIOU ; Lin J.-C.; Liu W.-Y.; Lin T.-W.Tourism Economics
482016Predicted range expansion of the invasive plant Leucaena leucocephala in the Hengchun peninsula, TaiwanCHYI-RONG CHIOU ; Chen Y.-J.; Wang H.-H.; Grant W.E.Biological Invasions
492015Plant bioclimatic models in climate change researchCHYI-RONG CHIOU ; Hsieh T.-Y.; CHYI-RONG CHIOU Botanical Studies
502015Chamaecyparis montane cloud forest in Taiwan: ecology and vegetation classificationLi C.-F.; DAVID Zelený ; Chytrý M.; Chen M.-Y.; Chen T.-Y.; Chiou C.-R.; Hsia Y.-J.; Liu H.-Y.; Yang S.-Z.; Yeh C.-L.; Wang J.-C.; Yu C.-F.; Lai Y.-J.; Guo K.; CHING-FENG LI ; CHYI-RONG CHIOU Ecological Research
512014評估非生物因子及玉山箭竹對於臺灣?杉?植群組成之影響?政道; 陳子英; 謝長富; 邱祈榮 ; Lin, C.T.; Chen, T.Y.; Hsieh, C.F.; Chiou, C.R.Taiwania30
522014Expansion of protected areas under climate change: An example of mountainous tree species in TaiwanLin W.-C.; Lin Y.-P.; Lien W.-Y.; Wang Y.-C.; Lin C.-T.; Chiou C.-R.; Anthony J.; YU-PIN LIN ; CHYI-RONG CHIOU Forests44
532014TernCam: An automated energy-efficient visual surveillance systemChen C.-P.; Chuang C.-L.; Lin T.-S.; Liu C.-Y.; Jiang J.-A.; Yuan H.-W.; Chiou C.-R.; HSIAO-WEI YUAN ; JOE-AIR JIANG ; CHYI-RONG CHIOU International Journal of Computational Science and Engineering40
542014Forest cover reduces thermally suitable habitats and affects responses to a warmer climate predicted in a high-elevation lizardHuang S.-P.; Porter W.P.; Tu M.-C.; CHYI-RONG CHIOU Oecologia
552014Changes in the potential habitats of 10 dominant evergreen broad-leaved tree species in the Taiwan-Japan archipelagoNakao K.; Higa M.; Tsuyama I.; Lin C.-T.; Sun S.-T.; Lin J.-R.; CHYI-RONG CHIOU ; Chen T.-Y.; Matsui T.; Tanaka N.Plant Ecology
562014Coldness index does not indicate the upper limit of evergreen broad-leaved forest on a subtropical islandChiu C.-A.; CHYI-RONG CHIOU ; Lin J.-R.; PO-HSIUNG LIN ; CHENG-TAO LIN Journal of Forest Research45
572013Classification of Taiwan forest vegetationLi C.-F.; Chytry M.; Zeleny D.; Chen M.-Y.; Chen T.-Y.; Chiou C.-R.; Hsia Y.-J.; Liu H.-Y.; Yang S.-Z.; Yeh C.-L.; Wang J.-C.; Yu C.-F.; Lai Y.-J.; Chao W.-C.; CHING-FENG LI ; DAVID Zelený ; CHYI-RONG CHIOU Applied Vegetation Science8681
582013Future advantages in energetics, activity time, and habitats predicted in a high-altitude pit viper with climate warmingHuang S.-P.; CHYI-RONG CHIOU ; Lin T.-E.; Tu M.-C.; Lin C.-C.; Porter W.P.Functional Ecology
592013Plant diversity patterns in subtropical evergreen broad-leaved forests of Yunnan and TaiwanTang C.Q.; CHYI-RONG CHIOU ; Lin C.-T.; Lin J.-R.; Hsieh C.-F.; Tang J.-W.; Su W.-H.; Hou X.Ecological Research
602013Modeling potential range expansion of the invasive shrub Leucaena leucocephala in the Hengchun Peninsula, TaiwanCHYI-RONG CHIOU ; Wang H.-H.; Chen Y.-J.; Grant W.E.; Lu M.-L.Invasive Plant Science and Management
612013Effects of repeated fires on ecosystem C and N stocks along a fire induced forest/grassland gradientCheng C.-H.; Chen Y.-S.; Huang Y.-H.; Chiou C.-R.; Lin C.-C.; CHIH-HSIN CHENG ; CHYI-RONG CHIOU Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences2320
622012Classification of the High-Mountain Coniferous Forests in TaiwanLin C.-T.; Li C.-F.; DAVID Zelený ; Chytrý M.; Nakamura Y.; Chen M.-Y.; Chen T.-Y.; Hsia Y.-J.; Hsieh C.-F.; Liu H.-Y.; Wang J.-C.; Yang S.-Z.; Yeh C.-L.; CHING-FENG LI ; CHYI-RONG CHIOU Folia Geobotanica
632011Energy-efficient visual eyes system for wildlifeChen, C.-P.; Lin, C.-H.; Lai, T.-W.; Chuang, C.-L.; Lin, T.-S.; Jiang, J.-A.; Yuan, H.-W.; Chiou, C.-R.; HSIAO-WEI YUAN ; JOE-AIR JIANG ; CHYI-RONG CHIOU 2011 IEEE International Conference on HPCC60
642010Altitudinal distribution patterns of plant species in Taiwan are mainly determined by the northeast monsoon rather than the heat retention mechanism of MassenerhebungChiou, Chyi-Rong ; Song, Guo-Zhang Michael; Chien, Jui-Han; Hsieh, Chang-Fu; Wang, Jenn-Che; Chen, Ming-Yih; Liu, Ho-Yin; Yeh, Ching-Long; Hsia, Yue-Joe; Chen, Tze-YingBOTANICAL STUDIES1514
652010Comparison of potential water supply and demand in TaiwanLin C.; Chen H.; Kume T.; CHYI-RONG CHIOU Water International
662010A GIS-dynamic segmentation approach to planning travel routes on forest trail networks in Central TaiwanCHYI-RONG CHIOU ; Tsai W.-L.; Leung Y.-F.Landscape and Urban Planning
672009Nest site restoration increases the breeding density of blue-tailed bee-eatersWang Y.-P.; Siefferman L.; Wang Y.-J.; Ding T.-S. ; Chiou C.-R. ; Shieh B.-S.; Hsu F.-S.; HSIAO-WEI YUAN Biological Conservation1715
682008從植群資料庫的結構來看台灣的森林植群分類系統李靜峯; 邱祈榮 ; Zelený, David et al. 第六屆台灣植群多樣性研討會 
692008Effects of feed speed ratio and laser power on engraved depth and color difference of Moso bamboo laminaLin C.-J.; Wang Y.-C.; Lin L.-D.; Chiou C.-R.; Wang Y.-N.; CHYI-RONG CHIOU ; YA-NAN WANG Journal of Materials Processing Technology1814
702008破碎棲地之面積、孤離度與棲地異質度對都市地景之鳥類群聚組成之影響-以台北市公園綠地為例葛兆年; 李培芬 ; 邱祈榮 都市與計劃 
712007台灣植群多樣性先驅分析-木本植物垂直分帶之探討林建融; 林逸盈; 林聖峰; 謝長富; 邱祈榮 第五屆台灣植群多樣性研討會 
722006灰系統理論在生物學之應用:(5)大肚山氣候因子對其林火頻率與面積之灰關聯分析邱祈榮 ; 曾仁鍵; 林朝欽; 楊棋明; 黃文達 作物、環境與生物資訊 
732006Colony site choice of blue-tailed bee-eaters: Influences of soil, vegetation, and water qualityHSIAO-WEI YUAN ; Brent Burt, D.; Wang, Lee Ping; WEN-LIAN CHANG ; Wang, Ming Kuang; CHYI-RONG CHIOU ; TZUNG-SU DING Journal of Natural History1813
742006白石溪集水區整體治理調查分析與規劃黃宏斌 ; 陳信雄; 邱祈榮 ; 魏迺雄; 黃國文
752005Habitat Selection of the Cooperative Breeding Taiwan Yuhina (Yuhina brunneiceps) in a Fragmented Forest HabitatLee, Pei-Fen ; Shen, Sheng-Feng; Ding, Tzung-Su ; Chiou, Chyi-Rong ; Yuan, Hsiao-Wei Zoological Studies66
762004大肚山氣候因子對衛星遙測天竺草亮度指數BRI之灰關聯分析邱祈榮 ; 曾仁鍵; 黃文達 ; 楊棋明作物、環境與生物資訊 
772004Integrated Watershed Management in Chi-Tou Forest Ecological AreaChen S.-C.; Wang Y.-N.; CHYI-RONG CHIOU Proceedings of the Watershed Management Symposium