
第 1 到 46 筆結果,共 46 筆。

12023Workplace learning: A context of college students' career exploration through sport internshipWAN-CHEN LU ; Lin, SH; Chen, MY; Chen, CHINNOVATIONS IN EDUCATION AND TEACHING INTERNATIONAL00
22023以學習遷移與多元教學方法導入排球初級課程之評估呂宛蓁 ; WAN-CHEN LU教育部教學實踐研究計畫
32022階段性自我導向學習及多媒體輔助教學導入桌球課程之評估=Evaluation of introducing Staged Self-directed Learning and Multimedia-Assisted Teaching to Table Tennis CourseWAN-CHEN LU ; MING-HAN WU ; YI-CHIEH CHEN 臺灣運動教育學報0
42022The Relationships among Proactive Personality, Work Engagement, and Perceived Work Competence in Sports Coaches: The Moderating Role of Perceived Supervisor SupportLin, Shin-Huei; WAN-CHEN LU ; YI-CHIEH CHEN ; Wu, Ming-HanInternational journal of environmental research and public health22
52022學校運動教練工作不安全感、組織認同、工作倦怠與工作退縮行為:工作要求-資源模式之觀點=Job insecurity, organizational identification, job burnout, and withdrawal behavior among school sports coaches: A job demands-resources model perspectiveWAN-CHEN LU ; YI-CHIEH CHEN ; MING-HAN WU ; 陳怡雯; 鄭志富體育學報0
62022階段性自我導向學習及多媒體輔助教學 導入桌球課程之評估=Evaluation of introducing Staged Self-directed Learning and Multimedia-Assisted Teaching to Table Tennis CourseWAN-CHEN LU ; 呂宛蓁教育部教學實踐研究計畫
72022When coaching is a calling: A moderated mediating model among school sports coachesWAN-CHEN LU ; Lin, SH; Cheng, CF; Wu, MHINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SPORTS SCIENCE & COACHING22
82021多媒體輔助教學導入排球課程之評估=Evaluation of introducing multi-media teaching assistance to volleyball course呂宛蓁 教育部教學實踐研究計畫
92021Multiple Criteria Decision-Making for Developing an International Game Participation Strategy: A Novel Application of the Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) Two-Stage Efficiency ProcessYI-CHIEH CHEN ; LIN-HUAN HU ; WAN-CHEN LU ; Wu, JZ; Yang, JJMATHEMATICS33
102020生涯建構理論視角:運動教練核心自我評價與職涯高原之關係=Relationship between core self-evaluation and career plateau of sports coach: A perspective of career construction theory胡丞筑; 呂宛蓁 臺灣運動心理學報0
112020Future work-self salience and proactive career behavior among college student-athletes in Taiwan: A career construction model of adaptationWAN-CHEN LU Journal of Hospitality, Leisure, Sport and Tourism Education1310
122019中華職棒轉隊球員表現研究=The analysis of the performance of CPBL transferring players李依穎; 胡林煥 ; 呂宛蓁 臺灣體育學術研究0
132019Sport volunteering and well-being among college studentsLu, W. C. ; Lin, S-H.; Cheng, C-F.; Chen, M.-Y.Current Psychology75
142018體育行政應用文書鄭志富; 呂宛蓁 體育行政與管理(修訂三版)
152018大學生主動人格、自我效能與創造力之研究=Proactive personality, self-efficacy, and creativity among college students呂宛蓁 ; 郭哲君臺灣體育學術研究00
162018主動人格、未來工作自我顯著對運動休閒科系大學生職涯規劃之研究-調節式中介機制檢驗=Proactive personality, future work self-salience on sports and leisure college students' career planning: A moderating mediation model examination呂宛蓁 ; 郭哲君體育學報00
172018運動員使命感中文版量表的發展與驗證=The Development and Validation of Chinese Version Calling Scale for Athletes呂宛蓁 ; 陳志一 ; 吳明翰 臺大體育學報00
182017Chapter11賽會服務及後勤呂宛蓁 運動賽會管理
192017Chapter12賽會日管理呂宛蓁 運動賽會管理
202017工作控制與運動實習成效之關係:主動人格的調節效果=The moderating role of proactive personality between job control and sport internship effectiveness呂宛蓁 體育學報00
212016Internship performance and satisfaction in sports: Application of the proactive motivation modelLu, W.C. ; Kuo, C.-C.Journal of Hospitality, Leisure, Sport and Tourism Education1317
222016我國體適能專業指導員政策之回顧與探討=A review of physical fitness instructor policy in Taiwan蔡秀華 ; 郭哲君; 呂宛蓁 臺灣體育學術研究00
232014Association Between Proactive Personality and Academic Self–EfficacyLin, S.-H.; Lu, W.C. ; Chen, M.-Y.; Chen, L.H.Current Psychology4038
242014計畫行為理論之脈絡發展與應用-以運動志工為例呂宛蓁 運動管理
252014臺灣運動觀光博碩士論文內容分析=Content Analysis of Theses and Dissertations on Sport Tourism in Taiwan吳盛傑; 呂宛蓁 休閒與社會研究
262013Predicting Game-Attending Behavior in Amateur Athletes: The Moderating Role of Intention StabilityLu, W.C. ; Cheng, C.-F.; Chen, L.H.Psychological Reports
272013臺灣地區觀光工廠的博碩士論文之內容分析張簡惠湘; 呂宛蓁 休閒與社會研究
282012臺灣體育運動學術研究的共同方法變異=The Common Method Variance of Physical Education and Sport Research in Taiwan呂宛蓁 ; 蕭嘉惠; 許振明; 曹校章; 王學中大專體育學刊00
292012Fan participation behaviour in baseball: An application of the theory of planned behaviourCheng, C.-F.; Chen, L.H.; Chen, M.-Y.; Lu, W.-C. International Journal of Sports Marketing and Sponsorship90
302012沙灘排球運動傷害成因與防治之探析呂宛蓁 ; 溫良財大專體育00
312011計畫行為理論於健身運動領域之應用呂宛蓁 中華體育季刊00
322011從女排加入企業排球聯賽談未來營運策略=The Future Operation Strategies of the Enterprise Volleyball League with the Participation of Women's Teams呂宛蓁 ; 楊振興大專體育00
332011Sports spectator behavior: A test of the theory of planned behaviorLu, W.-C. ; Lin, S.-H.; Cheng, C.-F.Perceptual and Motor Skills00
342010運動行銷學鄭志富; 蕭嘉惠; 陳美燕; 呂宛蓁 ; 黃蕙娟; 廖柏雅
352010體育行政應用文書鄭志富; 呂宛蓁 體育行政與管理(二版)
362008企業主辦運動賽會之認知效益研究─以永信杯全國排球錦標賽為例呂宛蓁 ; 黃幸玲運動與遊憩研究00
372008職棒觀眾觀賞行為意圖模式之研究=A Study on Spectators' Viewing Behavioral Intention Model in the Chinese Professional Baseball League呂宛蓁 ; 鄭志富大專體育學刊00
382007國光體育獎章實施現況之分析呂宛蓁 ; 鄭志富臺灣體育運動管理學報00
392007臺北市中山區市民運動中心營運現況探討李展瑋; 呂宛蓁 大專體育00
402006我國優秀運動選手獎勵政策與發展困境之探討李欣靜、呂宛蓁 北縣體育
412006臺灣地區各縣市體育館營運績效評估之實證研究=A Study of Operation Performance Appraisal for the County and City Gymnasium in Taiwan鄭志富; 呂宛蓁 ; 曹校章大專體育學刊00
422006職棒現場觀眾參與行為意圖模式之研究呂宛蓁 臺灣師範大學體育學系學位論文
432006比較軟式和制式排球初學者的低手發球與接發球之訓練效果呂宛蓁 ; 黃幸玲; 楊振興; 劉宗德淡江體育00
442005體育運動期刊中運動管理學文章之內容分析呂宛蓁 中華體育季刊00
452005企業男排聯賽之營運現況探討呂宛蓁 ; 黃幸玲大專體育00
462004台灣地區體育運動期刊中運動管理學文章內容分析呂宛蓁 ; 蕭玉琴大專體育學術專刊00